Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Basic brushless motor control

The control consists of logic circuitry and a power stage to drive the motor. The control’s logic circuitry is
designed to switch current at the optimum timing point. It receives information about the shaft/magnet
location (signals from the Hall devices), and outputs a signal, to turn on a specific power device, to apply
power from the power supply (not shown) to specific windings of the brushless motor.

Brushless DC Motor Control Made Easy

This application note discusses the steps of developing
several controllers for brushless motors. We cover sensored,
sensorless, open loop, and closed loop design.
There is even a controller with independent voltage and
speed controls so you can discover your motor’s characteristics

The code in this application note was developed with
the Microchip PIC16F877 PICmicro® Microcontroller, in
conjuction with the In-Circuit Debugger (ICD). This
combination was chosen because the ICD is inexpensive,
and code can be debugged in the prototype hardware
without need for an extra programmer or
emulator. As the design develops, we program the target