Friday, January 8, 2010

Sensorless Brushed DC Motor control using a dsPIC Data and algorithm

This web seminar explains a sensorless Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor control algorithm, implemented using the dsPIC® digital signal controller (DSC).

Sensorless Brushed DC Motor control using a Majority Function Part 1 of 2

Sensorless Brushed DC Motor control using a Majority Function Part 2 pf 2

How a BLDC controller work - Giovanni Garraffa

Using the dsPIC30F for Sensorless BLDC Control
This application note describes a fully working and
highly flexible software application for using the
dsPIC30F to control brushless DC (BLDC) motors
without position sensors. The software makes
extensive use of dsPIC30F peripherals for motor
control. The algorithm implemented for sensorless
control is particularly suitable for use on fans and
pumps. The program is written in C and has been
specifically optimized and well annotated for ease of
understanding and program modification.


Sensorless BLDC Motor Control Using dsPIC30F2010
This application note describes how to provide sensorless
BLDC motor control with the dsPIC30F2010
Digital Signal Controller. The technique used is based
on another Microchip application note: Using the
dsPIC30F for Sensorless BLDC Control (AN901).
This application note explains how to apply the
dsPIC30F2010 device to the hardware and software
described in AN901, which uses the dsPIC30F6010
device and dsPICDEM™ MC1 Motor Control Development
Board. The 80-pin dsPIC30F6010 has 144
Kbytes of Flash Program Memory, 8 Kbytes of RAM
available and abundant I/O. The 28-pin
dsPIC30F2010, on the other hand, has limited I/O, only
12 Kbytes of Flash program memory and 512 bytes of
RAM. As you can see, the resources are finite.
This application note prescribes changes to the hardware,
software and user interface described in AN901
to facilitate the easy transfer of the code to the
dsPIC30F2010 device.


Buy  Brushless DC Motor control